College is now a different phase of your life, and along with that, it’s totally understandable that you would be away from home. Dorm will be your second home when you hit college. To make your dorm feels like really home, you may opt to give it a personal touch.
Boring dorm means boring place to study, so make it livelier as much as possible.
What you need to do is decorate your dorm, especially if you know what you really want in a room. However, if you’re sharing a room with a colleague, you must get his or her opinion about it or if there’s a willingness to cooperate in dorm decoration.
Your roommate will be the one that can help you in customizing your room into a friendlier and livelier place that fits your lifestyle and school needs.
Below are some suggestions on what to do to make your dorm look great:
Set your own rules: Before starting your dorm make-over, make sure that both you and your roommate know the rules and regulations regarding this. There are dorm owners who are strict when it comes to decorating dorm rooms, better ask first before doing anything.
Create a mutual decision: Talk about your dorm makeover plans with your roommate(s). First, vote in how much money you guys are going to spend on dorm decoration. You both should decide on what colors to choose and any additional stuff for your studying habits. List down the likes and dislikes of each other, so it will be easier what and what should not be present in your dorm.
Personalize the chosen decoration: Since you’re not the only one who will spend on the decoration, both of you must choose the decoration that will fit your budget and school needs. You are both attending a university now, so it is highly recommended that you select wisely the decorations and they must be budget-friendly too.
You can check internet for various thrift decoration stores online that will definitely fit your budget.
Rearrange your furniture: Aside from the decorations, both of you can also begin to rearranging small furniture around. In this way, you will be able to see if it is more comfortable than before and it is essential to leave enough space to move around. Arrange your things based on functionality.
Buy functional storage: Boxes or cabinets would be great to organize your things especially the small yet important ones, making it safe and tidy.
You just need to put label on them,so you would know what’s inside and to avoid confusion. Pick a box or cabinet that is sturdy enough for your school needs. Designate a storage as well for your important documents like IDs, birth certificate and school papers.
Choose the safest place: Carefully choose a small but safe place for your important stuff like mobile phones, laptop, and other gadgets you use for academic activities. Being vigilant today is a must for your safety.
Create a lively wall: A poster of your favorite band, singer, movie, or whatever that will make you and dorm mate smile can be put up on your wall. A mini freedom wall is also a good idea. Tape them on your wall to make it a little livelier. You can also put a curtain with the use or stick to the wall hooks.