Tips for cleaning windows and other glass surfaces | MessHall


Clean the windows is probably one of the most dreaded tasks by inexperienced home. And although it is extreme task complicated. It’s not his only problem. The endless work can be ruined with just a few drops of rain. Homes with pets, children or located in highly polluted cities and with many precipitations are more susceptible to getting dirty windows faster brands wet noses and hands, specks of dust or drops of rain.

On top of this, access to all surfaces is sometimes a task only for intrepid: the large windows, skylights and skylights need specific tools for care and cleaning. If this is your case, we recommend you do not try such a feat and you get in the hands of a specialist in this type of work. Here you may look for high rise window cleaning in Sydney.

However, if you can do this you work them, here are a few tips.


The windows of this point are relatively easy to clean with basic products for the home: a bucket, a sponge and a little dish washing detergent. Another option is to use a sponge instead of a cloth or old T-shirt and a special glass cleaner. For those sensitive to the environment, a solution may be to add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar to three liters of water and use newspaper. Alternatively vinegar, lemon juice can be used. Note: The toilet paper is not a good choice.


And though a skylight is a particularly beautiful space, its location and accessibility make cleaning very difficult. Due to its location, these windows are very susceptible to dirt, dust and dried on water after a storm. As discussed above, clean these windows requires skilled in the field.

The walls from floor to ceiling

If we have a house with a garden or terrace sure we have more than one like this: doors of sliding glass from floor to ceiling. Given the scale, it is imperative that these surfaces are cleaned regularly. Why? Because if not, the effect of infinite space and light will be marred by dust and dirt. For this we need brushes large to ensure reaching the entire surface.

Shower Cabins

Prone to soap residue, water droplets and, depending on the type of water, the accumulation of lime, shower screens often have spots or any parts of the house. Considering its use, we should clean at least once a week. Another idea is to have a specific sponge in the shower, so that after use, can give you a quick cleaning. Note: avoid using abrasive or weighing less than 4 or greater than 12 pH.

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