Recently my TV broke down and went to a store to see prices and characteristics of those who are selling.

My first surprise was the price they already have 3D TVs. In many cases, and they cost the same or little more than its 2D equivalent! (Come on, that’s normal).

That threw away a pre-idea I had, I expected to be more expensive but hey, they are not.
Therefore I read a little more and found that price is not the only myth that we have.

After arguing with my friends, I began to write this article with the 5 most common myths that were me, apart from the higher price demystified without.

Of course, as with all technology products, this is true today, perhaps even tomorrow, but do not know how long.

So here, then my other 5 reviews:

1. 3D TVs operating mode do not have the same image quality than other devices that do not have this functionality.

2.This is not due to the technical characteristics, which themselves are comparable. The difference is that you need glasses to create the 3D effect.

The glasses affect the brightness of the image, but can be partially offset by the brightness and contrast, hardly you get to create as natural as the image that does not need glasses.

The other reason which affects the quality of the image is a 3D image is obtained as 2D image overlay. For that overlap some resolution is lost, or lowering the quality of the image presented. Some manufacturers already recognized this fact.

For these two reasons, 3D and HD (High Definition or High Definition) still can not go hand in 3D mode. Outside the 3D mode we should not perceive differences.

2. Not all HD content can be viewed in 3D.

HD content is 2D (two-dimensional or two-dimensional).

A 3D image is a result of overlapping images, which are obtained from different angles.
Although we can see 3D images created in 2D mode, the resolution and the feeling is not the same.

Therefore, in 3D mode you can watch your recorded shows and movies in HD, but it is not the same. Try to see, for example, Up 3D (the version recorded in 3D) format and 2D format (the recorded 3D view 2D version) and compare your experience, is the same feeling?

3. The 3D glasses are NOT helpful with all TVs.

Not all manufacturers achieve the 3D effect in the same way although, generally, the 3D effect is the result of a combination of features of TV and glasses developed for these characteristics.

The technology to achieve the 3D effect is similar, which may differ is how each manufacturer implements (and indeed is).

So not all the glasses will serve you for TVs from different manufacturers or glasses ensure you a manufacturer that can be used with all devices of the same manufacturer.
This applies to both passive glasses as active (generally different yet).

Hence the recommendation that can give you a good friend is to use the glasses that recommend the manufacturer of your TV.

4. Not all see 3D in the same way.

Our brain is processing and interpreting what he sees. If the brains of different people are different, why perceptions must be the same?

Perceptions of different people may vary by different interpretations of their brains make certain elements of the image, for example, the depth.

Several studies show that about 10% of people have trouble “seeing” the 3D images projected on a plane. Dizziness or headache is often a symptom of this type of problem.

There is also a smaller percentage of people who do not “see” those same images, or have a stereo blindness.

5. The new generation of 3D TVs will not need glasses.

There are many ongoing research and development allowing present 3D images without the need to use glasses.

There are already some products that permit, although still rather high prices, but they are already. It is see how the capabilities and especially the costs are improved. But this is the common history for electronic products.

Note that these myths are using current technology, to project an image onto a plane. It will be totally different when we do not see 3D images on a screen, but, for that, there is still a little more … ..

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