The Ultimate Summer Home Maintenance Checklist – MessHall

When it comes to home maintenance, there’s always a perfect season for a certain kind of work, upgrade, repair and/or checkup. So, don’t waste this summer and get on inspecting your home for necessary maintenance work. There are some specific projects that are best to tackle when the weather is warm.

exterior paint

Touch up your exterior paint

Exterior painting requires the weather to be warm and dry, which is precisely why summer is the best season to see whether your exterior walls need some freshening up. Of course, when it comes to paint touchups, it’s best to be completely on the safe side, so don’t forget to check the weather forecast just to be sure that there won’t be any summer rainstorms at least a couple of days after your paint project.

Wash your windows and screens

Washing the windows is something nobody likes or enjoys, but it’s still a chore that needs to be done every so often. Essentially, summer is great for this type of maintenance project, as it will allow you to clean your windows from the inside and outside without worrying about them getting dirty and/or foggy right away. What’s more, take this opportunity to clean your window screens as well, and maybe even replace them if need be.

Clean your air conditioner

Air conditioner is a must-have during hot summer months. However, if it hasn’t been used for a while, and the last time you cleaned it was last year or the year before, it’s time to do something about that. After all, if you neglect to properly clean your air conditioner filter and fan, you risk damaging the unit as well as developing an allergy, due to the incredible amount of dust that’s bound to blow inside your home.

Take care of your washing machine

Don’t forget that your washing machine also needs occasional maintenance work in order to serve you for many years to come effectively. For starters, the most important thing you can do is to check the seal between doors and drum to see whether there’s any buildup or stains. In case you find something like that, worry not. It’s pretty easy to remove these when wiped with a mixture of ¾ cup of chlorine bleach and a gallon of warm water. All you have to do is leave it like that for 5 minutes and then wipe it dry.

clean patio

Clean your walkway/driveway/patio

During the summer, it’s essential that you get as much work done as possible when your home exterior is concerned. This doesn’t only include the walls of your house, but also other features such as your driveway/walkway/patio. Before you clean this, however, don’t forget to inspect the area for any cracks or protruding weeds. Once you’re done with the checkup and possible repairs, use a pressure washer to clean these areas completely. This is not a difficult chore, but it will save you a load of trouble during the colder months.

Inspect your attic and basement

Attic and basement inspection is definitely not something homeowners enjoy doing, but if there’s the perfect time to do this, it’s definitely summer. After all, if you don’t get this kind of inspection and possible repairs out of the way when the weather is still warm, you may be in for a lot of trouble and inconvenience once the weather starts getting colder and rainier. Essentially, check these areas for any water leakage, mold and mildew, as well as any sign of pests and insects.

Check your home electricity

It’s very important to find the time to check whether everything is in order with your electricity and wiring during the summer. In the end, this type of maintenance is crucial if you don’t want to suffer more serious damages to your appliances and overall wiring system. If you have the skill to do this on your own, that’s great. However, it’s always better to decide on a date and call for a professional Sydney electrician so that they can positively and effectively estimate the electrical condition of your home. Summertime is the perfect season to do this, as you’ll be able to find a renowned electrical service provider in this busy city relatively easier and have any potential damage repaired more quickly thanks to the weather conditions.

clean drain

Clean the drains

Since summertime allows you to let the air flow inside your home, it’s the best occasion for cleaning out your drains properly. Usually, the cleaning agents you would use for this have a strong smell, and being able to air your whole house afterwards is a must. Don’t forget your garbage disposal when cleaning out the drains. You can also do this task lightly, with just some dish soap and hot water, if you don’t want to use harsh chemicals. Vinegar can help as well.

Keeping your home clean and well-maintained means that you’ll improve the quality of your lifestyle as well and also minimize the chance of allergies. Therefore, don’t hesitate to take up as many important home maintenance projects as you can this summer season.

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