Google has been mounted in several cities Madrid-including a demonstration of how imagine that will be the home of the future.
The most curious of all is that all the technology proposed already exist, and in fact many of us use almost daily. We are much closer to that dream home connected than we think.
We started the tour of the kitchen, next to the kitchen that has a central column with a built-in screen. It is open the Google search engine, the same as we usually use in your PC. In this case, click on the button cook voice command and asks, “how to cook chocolate palm” or “ingredients of a cake.” It does not matter.
The voice does much more natural interaction, and works reasonably well; although not always work the first time, you soon will.

Too bad the screen is not prepared to be touched with wet hands or stained, although these are also issues that are already eliminate with. Devices like HTC One M8 have a case ready to pick -optional- a call even if you have wet hands.
In the kitchen, the living room had. Within walking distance of the TV, curiously, there is another column with a built-in screen from which you can open Google Play and buy a movie, for example.
Television and computer are connected, in this case through Chrome cast.
In the rooms, more of the same. From the dressing room, the girl serving us simulate a video conference with a friend, using Google Hangouts. Then searches YouTube video tutorials on a particular trend in makeup. It does, of course, using the voice.
In the boys’ room, they can search for information by voice on their favorite groups, or the outcome of a football match, for example music. And the girls, they seek information via voice work for the institute, which save and share a folder in Google Drive.
What conclusion can we draw from all this? For technology that is truly intuitive, there is nothing better than the voice.
Microsoft did a great job at the time with Windows, a system that for the first time the computer was accessible to people who do not have a clue. With the iPhone, Apple took a giant step, extending the use of touch screens.
What is the next step? Speech recognition of movements and gestures. Especially the former, it is applicable to all situations. It also requires less sensors (reducing the cost of manufacture of the devices) and therefore consumes less battery.
Would you have convinced the house? To us yes, but we miss a demonstration of everything that has to do with home automation ‘Have you heard talk about the fridge that handles the purchase for you? And smart thermostats Nest, the company that Google bought recently? -. Here also it is all made up. It’s not a problem of technology but cost.