Shift to the Modern Bedroom Style the Smart Way | MessHall

bedroom design

Are you looking forward to renovating your beloved bedroom? Feeling totally clueless in stores while choosing the perfect set? Home improvement and Decor have changed significantly in the past few years; what was once trendy now became old-fashioned and out of style. It is a matter of taste after all of course. Yet, that doesn’t change the fact that modern designs, especially in furniture became the new popular thing. Here’s a quick tour to help you make up your mind on selecting different modern bedroom sets.

Appropriate Size

We know that you are totally excited and look forward to start dumping your old furniture, and start buying the new one straight away. Hold on a second please, take a deep breath and slow down. There are multiple factors that you need to take into consideration before choosing any set; first of all, you need to check the size. I know it may sound lame and entirely rational to think about the size as a priority, yet when we mention size we mean proportionality and not fitting. In other words, buy a modern set that you don’t have to squeeze into the room. Right sizes will give an overall spacious view. Space-saving wardrobes with sliding doors and King-Size beds with built-in drawers are the latest trend in the modern category. Also, the 3-piece set is the most convenient one that usually consists of a bed (and its mini tables), a wardrobe and a small dressing table.

The design

The second thing that we need to draw your attention to is the design. When it comes to modern bedroom sets, the design is always simple, practical and creative. Unlike the old, rustic and classical sets that are full of details, the modern sets are totally the opposite. Our only role here regarding this section is to raise the alarm of an important aspect; being stylish doesn’t mean being impractical. Yes, it is great to choose an elegant design, but having an uncomfortable bed as a price for being in style, just doesn’t make any sense.

Express Your Personality

Third, express your personality by choosing bedroom sets that have an element of the unexpected. The general shape of the sets could be a little unconventional or perhaps include the modern designs with bold patterns. Either way, choose what’s right for you.

The colors

Last but not least, colors are as important as any other factor. What mood do you want to create? An energetic room you can’t wait to wake up to every morning, or a peaceful and relaxing place to end a busy day? If you are the creative type, you might want to surround yourself with vibrant, warm colors that get your artistic juices flowing.

The most important point here is to make sure that you choose matching colors with your paint, or wallpaper, and avoid eye-hurting colors, for instance, very bright ones. Asking for others opinion is always a good thing to do when it comes to this part. Monotone colors are very popular among modern bedroom sets nowadays, especially calm ones that are closer to the dark (Grey, Dark Blue, Dark Brown, etc.) Again, color is a matter of taste, and it may differ from one person to another.


To sum things up, renovating your bedroom and choosing a new set isn’t something you want to take lightly. Take all the time you need in checking furniture stores, online catalogs and compare the most desirable ones. Always keep in mind the previously mentioned factors while choosing and hopefully you will end up creating a masterpiece that you will enjoy each and every day.

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