Apple Wants To Control Your Home from the Iphone – MessHall

Can you imagine monitor your home from your iPhone? Well, that is precisely what Apple intends. The technology giant is developing a new software platform that is intended to turn your smart phone popular in a command that enables you to control aspects such as lighting, security and other home automation applications.

The news, disclosed by the British newspaper Financial Times, said that the new platform will be presented on June 2 during the global annual developer conference Apple (WWDC) to be held in San Francisco.


This platform software will be included on computers running Apple’s IOS operating system and will be available to device manufacturers, so that they can get along with the automation control system from Apple.

In fact, the US giant is in talks with several manufacturers of smart home devices. The idea is to certify these gadgets with similar to the current “Made for iPhone” including earphones and speaker label.

What can we expect in the future? Well, for example, that our house lights automatically turn on when we entered it because the iPhone wirelessly notify the home automation system in our presence. It is known that Apple is working on such developments, since the company filed a patent on the matter last year.

Nest Google and Apple is not the only company that is taking steps in the world of home automation and what is known as the Internet of things. In January, Google announced the purchase by 3.200 million in cash Nest Labs, manufacturer company home devices such as smart thermostats and smoke detectors.

According to Morgan Stanley, the more likely it is that Google combine to Nest with its Android operating system to generate a home automation system that can be controlled from devices equipped with the operating system.

In this battle between Google and Apple for the Internet of things, the apple company wants to play against search giant battle of privacy.

In fact, Google has confirmed that it is preparing a future pair in which the company will publish ads and other content on refrigerators, cars, glasses, clocks and thermostats.

The more sensors (home, car, accessories, clothing, etc.) check Google using its technology; more and more user will be able to customize the advertising that serves him.


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