The company TESLA, known for its high-performance electric cars, has set a goal to lead the battle against the power companies and liberate their bills. Your bet is simple and clean, but has made great efforts in innovation.

This is the Tesla batteries, we can install in our home and that can be fed with normal network or renewable sources such as solar energy to not depend on electricity companies. Is it feasible? Will we have enough energy for the day? What happens with the regulations?


On April 30 the company confirmed the launch that had long rumored, came to light new power wall Home Battery in two models, one that offers an energy of 10 kWh and to store energy, and over 7 kWh.

They have a modern and elegant appearance in various colors available ready to be wall mounted indoors or outdoors. With stands temperatures between -20 ° C to 43 ° C. If you think there is not enough, there is the possibility of adding as many desired to meet your needs easily.

For other consumers and businesses who need more energy presented the TESLA Powerpack, system 100 is also expandable kWh. Additional modules can be of 100-500 kWh.

The main idea is to pull the batteries in high consumption peaks, when there are problems on the network or store all the energy we obtain from any source of renewable energy in our home or business. Thus the revolution that aims to improve the efficiency with which store electrical energy that we get from renewable energies and try to households and businesses can reduce their spending bills.

For those who really are considering whether they could do without the services of electricity, in theory it is possible, as the support of Tesla can join up to 9 batteries, getting about 90 kWh of energy, which are more than sufficient for a home , but must take into account the cost of buying batteries 9.

Keep in mind that on average in Spain consume about 27 kWh per day, then apparently with 3 or 4 have enough batteries. Given that more and more new homes are built with solar panels, perhaps eventually it could be a viable solution, of course, if we ignore the legal obstacles that have in Spain.


The legislation on energy policy is not the same in all countries, in the US for example there are none. In Spain, the situation is not the same. To begin the battery can only be installed in our country if the solar panels are disconnected from the power grid, which except in some cases of very isolated areas is impossible.

Further more, the Government is preparing a Royal Decree to regulate the self-energy consumption greatly complicating energy independence for those that arise independent of the mains generating energy. It intends to charge consumers per kWh to produce, reducing much savings.

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