The Top Tips For All At Home Sewing Projects – MessHall

Whether this is going to be your very first home sewing project, or you have been designing your own creations at home for years, knowing the right tips can be hugely beneficial. The list below has been specially curated to help you nail your next sewing project, no matter what that might be.

  1. Prewash Your Fabric

There is nothing more frustrating than to have finished a sewing project that you are proud of, only to wash it and find it has shrunk to an unusable size. Prewashing your fabric is an essential step to ensure you will not experience any unexpected surprises later down the line.

  1. Always Weigh Down Your Fabric When You Are Cutting

Organizing and cutting your fabric is an essential step for any sewing project. Cutting your fabric can be a very time-consuming process, no matter how complex the pattern you are using is. One of the best ways to ensure this step is not too time-consuming is to make sure you weigh down your fabric while you are cutting. You don’t need to use special tools for this, you can just use anything you have at hand, like a mug, as long as it is heavy enough to ensure your fabric does not move.

  1. Leave the Pattern Pieces Attached

Once you have cut your fabric, the next obvious step might be to remove all the attached pattern pieces, but it is good to use a weight for this step. Leaving the pattern pieces on the fabric until you are sewing it can help you to remain organized and avoid confusion later down the line.

  1. Mark Your Darts

Marking the darts before you sew is another great way of helping you stay organized when it comes to sewing. Once you have cut the pattern, you can make a small snip in the fabric to help you better identify where the darts will be. Once you have made the snips in the fabrics, you can then iron the fold.

  1. Leave the Instructions Accessible

When it comes to sewing your project, it is good to keep the instructions easily accessible. You could try taping them to your wall or your table to ensure you can easily find them while you are sewing.

  1. Always Check the Bobbin

There is nothing more frustrating than making progress with a sewing project only to find that you have been sewing without a bobbin. As GoldStar explains, before you begin sewing, you should always check your sew machine setting and your bobbin. You should make sure you have enough thread in the bobbin to get yourself through your upcoming sewing session to avoid any unnecessary frustration in the future.

  1. Choose the Right Fabric

When it comes to creating a successful sewing project, you will not only need to find the right pattern but choose the right fabric, too. The type of fabric that you choose will have a big impact on how successful a project is. Make sure to pay attention to the recommended fabric to ensure you are not making a mistake before beginning a project.

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