These are the keys to turning your family farm into a profitable business – MessHall

The first thing to think about is what space the farm has, what type of land, climate, height, if it can be adapted for raising animals or planting some type of crop, be it vegetables or fruits. According to the agronomist Jades Jiménez, “the most important thing is to inquire with an expert what type of crop can be planted, or on the contrary if you want to have animals, be it pigs, cattle or chickens, what space you should have and how there to adapt it so that the animals are in good condition and therefore give good results”.

frame house

A key factor, according to experts in the sector, is that before starting a business, a plan must be prepared that reflects all the measures that will be taken in it. Once the first customers are captured, the profitability is usually high if it is managed well and if it has a high organization. In the case of a cattle farm, beyond the hectares or the number of copies that will be had, there are several aspects that must be analyzed and that are final if it is the case of implementing a multipurpose farm.

For the livestock expert, Juan Bobadilla, part of the success of livestock is in creating friendly and environmentally friendly techniques where it will be developed, that is, avoiding the felling of trees, soil degradation, among others.

According to Bobadilla, the rancher must first be a farmer, since this will largely depend on whether his farm can be multipurpose and may, in addition to producing milk, also have meat, grass and compost, which would generate a better use of the land. To this is added the training of the personnel who are in charge of the farm for any type of business that you want to start.

In the case of a pig farm, it must also have the appropriate facilities.

The property should preferably be located away from other animal farms, such as poultry or pigs, processing plants, slaughterhouses or garbage dumps. Likewise, the required area depends on each stage of production, for example, in fattening at least one square meter is required for each pig, a weaned pig requires 0.3 square meters that is; the area will depend on the amount of animals.

Lastly, it is essential for the creation of a new business to use technologies because they are synonymous with profitability, as it would make it easier to publicize the business and reach different sectors and key customers.

Multipurpose farm, a good bet

Having a multipurpose farm can mean better remuneration for landowners and farmers for the variety of products, but it will also help them lead processes among other farm owners and become, for example, a supplier of pasture and natural compost.

New investments

Investments in infrastructure are left last because with the sum of the knowledge and qualified work of the personnel, much more fruitful processes are achieved and that are not so expensive. ”There are also businesses that do need an adaptation of the space such as they are corrals for animals, or if the case is to convert it into a tourist farm, this aspect is clearly the most important.

Qualified Personnel

Personnel are one of the most important factors when starting a business on a farm. “When you have invested in knowledge, you have the ability to do the same in work. This means, having qualified people in charge of the farms, who professionally develop the processes of caring for animals and crops, will allow a better performance and higher profitability.

Animal husbandry

For those who choose to adapt their farm to animal husbandry, in terms of semi-stabling (in which grazing is combined with feeding in stables) or stabling (in which feeding is carried out entirely in stables), which can be productive, if they are done without knowledge of the cause and without proper handling they can be very expensive, so it is appropriate to seek advice.

Technology as an all

The key is in investment. However, it is not an investment exclusively of money. Going technical does not necessarily mean buying advanced machines or equipment. The technique is a knowledge that is put into practice to perfect a production process, so it is essential to have continuous advice from experts depending on the type of business you want to carry out.


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